Marketing Strategy

The WSI Digital Marketing Mix

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WSI Digital Marketing Mix

The reality of the faced-paced world we live in is many small businesses – and even large brands – are still trying to find their footing in the digital world. There isn't a clear cut way to build and maintain a strong digital presence; there are many different methods that, depending on the industry and customer base, are better suited for some businesses than others.

However, there is a set of basic components that you'll find are the backbone of every great digital marketing strategy. In our latest digital marketing video, we want to help you hone in on the 7 key components of the WSI Digital Marketing Mix:

1. Plan

The things you want to accomplish should always define your plan. Some businesses want to climb Mount Everest and become globally known, while others simply desire a steady stream of local customers. These goals require different strategies. Set your goals, then map out how to achieve them.

2. Audit

At this point, most businesses have entered the digital world, so they have websites and active social media accounts. But without an overall strategy, things are usually in disarray. Before you implement a newly minted digital marketing mix, assess your current digital presence. Determine what can be salvaged and what needs to be totally scrapped. Whether you have to start from scratch or can build from existing components, an audit is an important step.

3. SEO

Adaptive SEO™ is WSI's own unique (and we think better) approach to search engine optimization. We believe SEO is a constantly evolving target, so it makes sense to become more adaptable with your SEO strategy.

4. Paid Advertising

Getting your marketing messages in front of the right people (potential customers), in the right places (where your audience hangs out online) at the right time (when they are looking for answers you have) is the chief goal of paid advertising. What business doesn't need to do all three of these things?

5. Social Media

Instead of looking at social media as something trendy you can just ignore, think of it as a direct line to  your customers (because that's what it is!). If you can openly communicate with potential customers on a medium where they choose to be, why wouldn't you do it? We've said it before – social media platforms are like massive, 24-hour conferences with endless networking opportunities!

6. Marketing Automation

One of the great things about digital marketing is the amazing technologies that makes the lives of marketers so much easier. Marketing automation, which simplifies and improves the process of capturing, nurturing and communicating with potential customers, is one such technology. Sometimes, digital marketing is hard, but once you have a handle on marketing automation, it becomes a whole lot easier!

7. Email

Even though it gets overlooked, email is still an amazing way of communicating and nurturing not only potential customers, but existing ones too. The key is determining the kind of email your audience wants to read and also how often they want to receive it. Less is often more when it comes to email.

At the end of the day, layering these seven components is the big secret to having the perfect digital marketing mix that helps you achieve even your loftiest goals.

If you would like more information on the WSI Digital Marketing Mix, get in touch with your local WSI Digital Marketing Consultant today.

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