5 Ways To Boost Google Rankings With WSI AdaptiveSEO™

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Google is forever tweaking the 'algorithm' that determines the results and rankings of their results pages (SERPs). If you don't believe us and have a few hours, check out Google's major update history. Extensive, confusing, and overwhelming, right? But despite the immense reach and power of just one simple change in an algorithm, thousands of businesses - both small, independent shops and large corporations - have suffered the consequences of being unaware of Google's Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird updates. Torpedoed rankings, decreased traffic and tumbling sales have left too many businesses scrambling for help or completely in the dark about their SEO efforts.

So what can companies realistically do? In our latest WSI Digital Marketing Video Series entry, we'll take a look at how you can get (and stay) on board with Google by focusing on an effective, long-term strategy we like to call AdaptiveSEO. Once we show you how to get on the same page with Google, you'll understand how to implement a stable, lasting ASEO strategy.


1. Keyword and Competitive Research

Said another way, keywords are the topics that you think your target audiences are most interested in reading about. By using things like the Google Keyword Tool and researching the topics your most successful competitors are writing about, you should be able to glean some keywords and topics that you can potentially rank well for in the SERPs.

2. Technical SEO Fundamentals

Search engines deliver such intuitive and human results that it's often easy to forget they function with the rules and codes of an algorithm. In order for web crawlers to understand and properly rank the pages on your site, it's best to perfectly implement technical SEO. This means that a foundation of optimal site speed, on-page basics, structured information architecture, and great user experience are an integral part of a lasting AdaptiveSEO™strategy.

3. Optimized Content Marketing Plan

An effective content marketing plan should help guide your target audience through the buying process, from discovery to final purchase. Different forms of content should be targeted toward various audiences, and everything you publish needs to be distributed effectively through your social networks.

4. Publish, Socialize, Share

Social signals are becoming an increasingly important part of discoverability within search engines and popular social channels are a great way to enhance the reach and amplification of your brand's messages.

5. Benchmark, Report, Improve

Tracking, measuring, and analyzing data is critical to ASEO success. Reviewing your ranking history, backlink profile, social signals, organic visits, conversions, and keyword performance will help you keep your long-term AdaptiveSEO™strategy on the right track.

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